Inked Gaming
Why you should join the Inked Gaming Discord
2020 is coming to a close. What a year.
If you’ve followed Inked recently, you’ve probably noticed A LOT of changes. Well, it’s true. We’re changing and adapting with the times - more accessories, more polished branding, better marketing, more amazing art, and so so much more.
We’ll be the first to admit, the team at Inked has been extremely lucky. We’ve been able to keep our jobs during 2020, and even add a few team members. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for allowing us to grow and flourish in a time when so many other businesses and companies have not had the same opportunities. You are the reason we are where we are, and we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Back in March, when the global pandemic was announced, we had a Discord full of artists and affiliates but it was not open to the public. It was basically a place where we could post news and updates.
During the early days of isolation where staff members were working from home for the first time in Inked Gaming’s history, we started noticing that many of us were becoming a little lonely working for days and weeks on end without much outside social interaction during the work hours.
That’s when we decided to make the Official Inked Gaming Discord public!
Once we went public, we immediately saw an influx of fun, helpful, and respectful folks start contributing to discussion. Some joined in with questions about our products, and other customers happily gave their feedback and help, when needed.
Pet photos, a steady stream of gaming memes, discussions about life, D&D sessions, and much much more has been happening in there these past nine months. Some customers have become moderators in our Discord, always there to lend a hand when they are online. Our customer service has been moved into Discord partially, so you can receive an even more personal experience with Inked Gaming chatting directly with Inked Gaming’s team members.
A few highlights:
A MTG commander deck exchange happened this year for the holiday season with some members (All coordinated by a wonderful mod)!
A regular D&D session started happening within our Discord! This was not coordinated in any way by Inked Gaming staff. It all happened with some amazing leaders and moderators that have joined the Discord server.
We added our local game store channel, Kraken, to our list of chats. This will enable our local community to coordinate meet times, ask us questions, and be a part of our growing local community!
We added a Gold tier for Inked Gaming customers who have been with us for a long time, or even some members that have just gone above and beyond in our gaming community.
There’s quite a bit more going on, and this is just a few.
So, if you didn’t join us in 2020, why not stop by in 2021 and join in the fun. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new friend group to game with. We know we have.
Happy New Year from the Inked Gaming family.