Vincent Pontorno

Top Trending Landscape Designs

 Have you ever sat at a desk or a tabletop and wished there was a breathtaking view to look out upon as you were playing? Well, perhaps you’ll be satisfied with what we consider to be the next best thing. We like to think that all of our mats are windows. Specifically, windows that give us a glimpse of a place that can be found in both the natural and fantasy world. This is where our Landscape style designs come into play!

Depth and detail are the two key elements that bring landscape designs to life, especially if they are to act as the magical windows that we speak of. If you look through our collection, you will find some pretty amazing and serene scenes printed on our mats, all of which are meant to give your game a more meaningful backdrop.

To kick off this new series, we’ve compiled a list of five featured landscape designs that are trending right now. Each piece comes straight from the wondrous imaginations of our most talented artists, some of which you may know already. 

Shall we take a look?


Winter Forest

Winter Forest

Design by Carbon Beaver

A cool, crisp perspective to help you play at your ‘peak’ every week!


Piratas Island

Piratas Island

Design by Asur Misoa

Sometimes the most magical and treacherous places are the ones you can’t find on a map!


Mana Forest

Mana Forest

Design by Ingram Schell

 “Add 🌳 to your mana pool.”


Thunder And Lightning

Thunder And Lightning

Design by Harvey Bunda

They say lightning never strikes the same place twice, but perhaps you can prove them wrong!

Forest Pixel Night

Forest Pixel Night

Design by Catarina

A peaceful, pixelated point of view that can bring out the best in you!

Again, these are just a few of the top trending landscape designs in our collection right now. Just like points on a map, there’s much more to see, which is why we want you to feel free to check out ALL the landscapes that we have available.


We hope you enjoyed this first trending art post as much as we did and ask you to join us again for another, which should be coming up very soon.


Until next time,

Team Inked



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