Inked Gaming

Product Highlight: Michael Whelan Magnets

When Michael Whelan first became a part of our growing community of artists, we couldn’t help but think about what it would mean for us and for our customers. With so many great designs in his immense body of work, some of which have been featured on the covers of bestselling novels, we imagined the possibilities. To think that a legendary artist, who was named a Grand Master by the Spectrum Annual of the Best in Contemporary, agreed to let us feature his work on our premium gaming gear still blows our mind to this day.

We immediately figured that our playmats and mousepads would be some of the more popular pieces with Michael’s work printed on them. While those items, and others, have certainly seen their fair share of purchases, it seems that our magnets are just as desirable. This would probably come as a surprise to most...but not us. Let’s face it, our magnets are cool, nifty little pieces that can add a touch of personality to your fridge, blackboard/whiteboard, or any other magnetic surface. And with Michael Whelan’s art printed on them, they’re even cooler.

Here’s a look at just a few of our favorite Michael Whelan Magnet designs that we think you’ll like too.

MORETAMoreta Magnet

SHALLANShallan Magnet

FAHRENHEIT 451Fahrenheit 451 Magnet

THE WAY OF KINGSThe Way of Kings Magnet

DARK TOWERDark Tower Magnet

If you’re an avid reader of authors like Anne McCaffrey, Brandon Sanderson, Ray Bradbury, or Stephen King, you probably recognized a few of those designs. Again, Michael has collaborated with many bestselling authors over the years and has helped them to bring their characters/creatures to life.

There are actually more Michael Whelan magnet designs in our collection, so if you want to see them all be sure to click here. The magnets themselves are made of metal, have a nice polyester film covering, and stick very nicely to all magnetic surfaces. So, whether you use them to hold pictures, shopping lists, papers, etc, you can be sure that these magnets will do their job...and look good doing it.


Team Inked

arts Author: Inked Gaming designs featured highlight listicle magnets Michael Whelan products Whelan


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