Inked Gaming

New Art Spotlight: March 2020

New Art Spotlight: March 2020

It's finally the end of March! We know that for many people the month of March has felt like an entire decade by itself. So much has happened and changed over the last few weeks that it can be pretty difficult to keep track. But, believe it or not time is still moving forward and we're finally at the end of this March. There is still a lot of uncertainty out in the world right now. But, as we've seen with museumsmusicians, and more across the country, people are coming together over art more than ever. That makes us even more proud to share some of the amazing works our artists have continued to produce during these tough times. As usual, we've randomly selected three arts to showcase here today. However, we assure you there are a ton of other super cool new arts on the site as well if you want to go check them out. We hope these help bring a little happiness into your day.

If you like these works, check out the other awesome new art available on our site and keep an eye out for our future New Art Spotlight blog posts. You can also follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to help make sure you never miss out on one of our spotlights, announcements, or memes in the future.

If anyone out there is at all interested in joining our program (or you know somebody that you think definitely should be signing up for our program) you can head over to our Sell Your Art On Inked Gaming page to learn more about the program and how to submit an application!


Stained Glass Dragon Twins 

Stained Glass Dragon Twins By Rachel Weeks

Artist: Rachel Weeks
Artist Bio: "Hello! I’m Rachel Weeks. I’m a Los Angeles-based graphic designer and stand-up comedian with a love of all things nerdy. I think Magic pairs best with big laughs and cold beer; as a result, I play a lot of Commander. Phelddagrif is my main man, but I pull out Rakdos, Lord of Riots when I want to do some damage. 
Follow me for more Magic and comedy content.
Instagram: @wachelreeks
Twitter: @wachelreeks

Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass By MK Spade

Artist: MK Spade
Artist Bio: "I am a newly starting freelance artist. Although I often am inspired by other pictures or designs, I do my work freehand and originally. I currently do not have any social medias with my art, but I am planning on creating one soon so stay tuned ;)"

 B25 Mitchell

B25 Mitchell By Mark Orr Jr

 Artist: Mark Orr Jr
Artist Bio: "Illustrator, Concept Artist and 3D Modeler for various industries, including video games and card games since 2011. I work as a freelance artist and currently have several upcoming card game projects soon to be released. A fan of fantasy, sci-fi, classic pulp stories and comics. I try to keep my art loose and capture the essence and energy of each piece I work on drawing on my various influences and inspirations.
Please feel free to contact me about any of my work or commissions.
Thanks again,
Mark Orr Jr"


Stay safe and take care,

Team Inked

Announcement Art Artist Author: Inked Gaming Inked Gaming Inked Gaming Team March nas New Art Spotlight Popular


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