Inked Gaming

Free Domestic Shipping Now Available

Hello again, dear readers! We have some interesting news that I think many of you might be excited about. We now have a free domestic shipping option! However, there is a bit of a catch. To make this happen, our friend the snail is helping us out and he’s...a little bit slow. In fact, he could even take 10-20 days to deliver your beautiful order.

But, it is free! And we think the product will be well worth the wait once it gets to you. You can learn more about the specifics of our new shipping policy here

If you have any follow up questions, or if you just want to chat, you can contact us at

Be sure to wave if you see Mr. Snail out on delivery!

The Inked Gaming Team

Announcement Author: Inked Gaming Customer Service Domestic Shipping free free domestic shipping news shipping The Inked Gaming Team


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