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5 Apps That Every Gamer Can Use

5 Apps Every Gamer Can Use
by Michael Bunker


Do you consider yourself a passionate gamer? If so, you’re probably always looking for ways to extend your game beyond the console, tabletop, or playmat with something that keeps you in the gaming loop. Thankfully, there are a host of fun and helpful apps available right at your fingertips, literally. Today, everything you can possibly want can be found on a phone or other mobile devices. So, why not take advantage?

In this post, we’ll be showcasing five of the best apps for gamers to use, all of which can be found and downloaded from your phone. Some, not all, of these apps are available on multiple OS platforms, which means they’re readily available for Apple and Android users alike. We even threw in a few Team Inked favorites here and there, just to show you that we use these apps as well.

So, let’s get started!

1. MTG Familiar

MTGFamiliar Application Image

Available exclusively for Android, this app has been described as "A powerful utility app for Magic: The Gathering". MTG Familiar provides a long list of valuable tools and features for Magic players and aficionados of every caliber. These features include life counters, dice roller, and a round timer. As long as you’re connected to the internet, the app also allows you to search individual cards, real-time prices from TCG Player, compare card value for trades, and even the official rules of Magic: The Gathering. Not bad, huh?

The MTG Familiar app has over 100,000 downloads in the Google Play Store and has earned a 4.5-star rating. This is an app we here at Inked Gaming use ourselves and we highly recommend it. MTG Familiar can also be used for any other tabletop game that you need life counters or dice for, which makes it a versatile and powerful app for the discerning tabletop gamer.



2. App

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The popular streaming website offers a great app for both Android and Apple devices. The Twitch app features both live and pre-recorded broadcasts of your favorite games, players and Esports events. The app also presents users with numerous interactive shows by the top developers in the video game industry and invites you to join the conversation with an engaging chat system. 

Want to watch the Magic Pro Tour this weekend? How about your favorite Starcraft streamer? No problem! Just open the Twitch app any time, anywhere, search for your favorite streams, and start watching. It’s that simple. This is an app that every gamer should have. Twitch for Android scores an impressive 4.6-star rating with well over 5 million downloads on the Google Play Store.

3. Steam and the Steam Mobile App

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Most PC gamers probably know what Steam is by now, but for the tabletop and console gamers among you, Steam is a game distribution and social media program. It allows you to buy, download, and update games all in one place. It also provides a friends list, messaging system, and user groups for players to join and chat about news and games. 

With the Steam mobile app you can participate in the Steam community by chatting with your friends, joining groups and browsing user profiles. You can also read the latest gaming news and keep an eye on the unbeatable, and slightly addicting, sales from Steam. With over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store alone, the Steam app scores a 4.1 rating and is available for free on Android and Apple marketplaces.

4. Xbox SmartGlass and the PlayStation App

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The console apps are great for Xbox or PlayStation user alike. Whether you want to watch your friend’s sweet new clips from Halo or setup a Destiny Raid this weekend, you can do it all from this app. Simply fire up the app, watch some clips of your friends, send out your messages, and you’re done. The apps let you take full advantage of your friends lists, activity feeds, and even allows you to browse respective stores for games, demos, movies and apps. 

If you see something you like, you can purchase it using the app and have it added to your system so it’s ready the next time you log on. The apps are available for both Apple and Android phones and have over 11 million combined downloads on the Google Play Store with the Playstation app having a slight rating advantage of 4.4 to Xbox’s 3.6.

5. IGN Entertainment App

 IGN App Image


IGN is an online news and entertainment site that offers gamers a place to read reviews and watch trailers of games and movies. You can read blogs or game guides, watch videos and listen to podcasts to make sure you will enjoy any game you pick up for yourself or your gamer friends and family. The IGN app gives you access to all of these amazing resources. 

When you first download it, the app asks you a few questions about your interests and preferences. PC or Console? Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo? Favorite types of games? This app allows you to tailor your experience to see only what you’re interested in. We love using this app to ourselves informed with the latest release dates, reviews, and updates for our favorite games. This app is available for download on both Apple and Android phones and has over a million downloads on the Google Play Store with a 3.8 average rating.


Now that you’ve seen our list, we want to hear from you! Let us know which of these apps seems just right for you or if we missed any that should be listed. Bonus points for those who already have one of these apps downloaded. Share your thoughts, opinions and experiences with us in the comments below.

Also, don’t forget to stay up to date on our latest gaming accessories and news by reading through our blog. As always, we invite you to up your game with fresh, new products as well. Our site has something for everyone. Shop Inked Gaming gear here!

apps best gamer apps gamers gaming IGN Entertainment App Inked Gaming listicle MTG Familiar PlayStation App Steam top 5 App Xbox SmartGlass

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  • Jannatul Maowa Israt

Thanks for this suggestion🥰 my dream is to become a professional gamer. This helped me a lot. Thanks again.