Vincent Pontorno

The Weekly Wave

Welcome back to the Weekly Wave! Let’s see what news, updates, and announcements have risen to the surface this week!

Miniature X-wing Starfighter from Star Wars auctions for $3 million!

When we think of movie magic and memorabilia, one piece that always pops into our minds is the X-Wing Starfighter miniature that was used to create one of the most legendary aerial space battles ever created. Last weekend, the original Red Leader X-Wing model that was used in the filming of “A New Hope” found a new home after it sold for $3 million at a collector’s auction.

X-Wing Starfighter miniature

The miniature itself has been in the possession of its creator and long-time owner, Greg Jein, who sadly passed away last year. Throughout his long, successful career in Hollywood, Jein had created and collected a rich trove of cinema treasures, and this X-Wing Starfighter was one of the big ones. In fact, this particular piece was thought to have been lost for good. However, after Jein passed, it was rediscovered in one of his car garages, along with many other prized pieces that have been collecting dust in a dark space for decades.

Additionally, by selling for $3 million, this X-Wing miniature set the record for the most expensive Star Wars film prop ever auctioned, so even after 50 years, this fighter is still making history on and off the screen. We can’t wait to see what other items are found and sold from Greg Jein’s collection.

UPDATE: The van Gogh Museum removes limited-edition Pokémon cards!

Since we first reported on this partnership not so long ago, we felt like we had to give you an update on how it has progressed so far. After reporting numerous safety concerns and a lot of chaotic behavior from patrons, The Van Gogh Museum has decided to yank a limited-edition Pokémon card, the sought-after Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat promo card, from their exhibit. 

This decision puts a strain on the collaboration but has been deemed necessary in order to keep museum-goers, and the museum itself, safe. Those who have not visited the museum or are still on the hunt for this special promo card will now have to obtain it through scalpers or from the Pokémon Center for the time being. 

Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat promo card

The Pokémon Company has since sent out apologies to both the museum and Trainers for the inconvenience. The Van Gogh Museum has also let it be known that the card would be made available again via retailers in the area, but not in the museum. So, if you want the Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat promo card, you can either wait for its official relaunch in 2024 or you can snag it from a scalper, but you’ll have to be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it.

After all the build-up and planning that went into this exhibit on both sides, this recent development is obviously disappointing, but at least the partnership is still intact and museum-goers can still enjoy the beauty of the Pokémon universe through Vincent van Gogh’s iconic artwork. Keep your eyes peeled for more details and updates about this story as they come out!

Spread your wings with Thingamajigs new Pegasus piece!

In a mesmerizing display of artistic prowess, Thingamajigs has unveiled their latest masterpiece, a magnificent Pegasus art piece that inspires you to get some air under your wings!


Pegasus invites us to ride the winds of our imagination, as these radiant, winged stallions take flight and soar with grace. From the delicate swirls of their flowing manes to the intricate patterns on their feathers, Thingamajigs has conjured a vision that transports you to a world where horses sprout wings and the sky is an endless canvas of boundless possibilities. 

Whether you're a seasoned art connoisseur or a starry-eyed dreamer, this Pegasus creation by Thingamajigs will spirit you away on an exhilarating odyssey into the realms of fantasy.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for our next edition of The Weekly Wave for more fun stories and updates!


Inked Gaming


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