Vincent Pontorno

Artist Spotlight: Colordrilos

It’s that time again! As promised, we’ve put together another Artist Spotlight feature, and this month, we’re taking a closer look at one of our favorite designers…Colordrilos. Up until now, all we know about Colordrilos is what’s written in their bio and posted on their social media. Other than that, the art has been doing most of the talking since Colordrilos joined the Inked Gaming community. But, thanks to this revamped Artist Spotlight series, we were able to find out a little more about Colordrilos and what inspires them to do what they do best.

Some of the best and most popular designs in our collection come from Colordrilos, and they can be found on Inked Gaming playmats, mousepads, dice bags, thin desk mats, and more. Every piece is special, but we want to learn what makes the artist behind them special as well. 

So, we asked 10 questions, they gave 10 answers, and here’s how it went:


Who are you and what do you do?

In most online circles, I’m known (I HOPE) as the croc person that draws the cute stuff, but really I’m just a little Mexican trying to make a living off my art.

What inspires you?

Anything my grubby hands can reach for, namely other artists’ art (main inspirations are Konatsu, Nico Marlet, Ishton, Nevarky, r0tno, among a ton of others), nature (plants, forest scenes, animals, SHIBA DOGS), fantasy art and stories, stuffed toys, video games, concept art, anything that tickles my fancy.



What are some hobbies you do when you’re not making art?

Mostly video games, I’m pretty addicted to the mind shut they can provide, even better when it’s with friends. In the last couple of years, I’ve also gotten into writing short, casual stories or comedic scenes focused on characters I share with my partner.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?

“When using references for art, don’t draw what you think you’re seeing, don’t fall in love with your drawing and instead focus on portraying every detail and imperfection from your subject,” from a teacher in college who’d make us do still life drawing without ever looking down at the paper.

Raptor Squad

What would your perfect Saturday be like?

Start off with a leisure walk around downtown (or a mall or a park, s’all good choices), go back home with snacks, bunker up, and spend the rest of the day being a lazy bum watching movies or playing games.

A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a little hat. What do they say and why are they here?

It matters not if it talks or magically teleports to my doorstep from a temporal wormhole in a zoo, that penguin is not leaving my side ever again, and their name is now Paquito.

Morph Flavored Noodles

How do you know when your art is finished (if ever)?

When I notice the mistakes online, promptly delete the post, fix and reshare it as I pretend nothing happened. The other alternative is noticing the mistakes but being too lazy to do anything. Only when it’s online, do I know it’s finished, and I'm DONE WITH IT.

You’re a new addition to the crayon box… What color would you be and why?

My partner and I agreed on orange for… who the heck knows why.

Cozy Michis

What’s your favorite genre of music to jam out to?

Varies massively on mood. Most days it’s rock and related genres, others, it’s synth, pop, and trip-hop. Lately, there’s been a lot of metal, but in all honesty, I’m not as passionate about the genres as much as the bands/artists specifically (Depeche Mode in particular).

Where can we find more of your awesome artwork?

The main sites I use are Twitter @Malkee (where I’m the most active), Tumblr (malkshake) and Instagram @Malky_Mariana_Guati

Lollipop Dragons

These Artist Spotlights are getting more and more fun for us, for our artists, and hopefully for you too. That’s why we’re so looking forward to continuing this series with more amazing artists like Colordrilos. Their answer to our penguin question is definitely one for the books!

After seeing and hearing more from Colordrilos, we’re about ready to have a look through their collection page ourselves. How about you?

Again, we hope you enjoyed learning more about Colordrilos in this Artist Spotlight feature and that you will continue to join us every month for more fun interviews with our best designers!

See you next time!


Inked Gaming


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