Vincent Pontorno

Coming Soon: Inked Gaming Art & Custom Deck Boxes

Get ready to level up your deck protection game because we've got something extraordinary in store for you! Defending your deck is an essential part of the card collecting and gaming world. It's all about keeping your precious cards safe from harm, whether it's damage, dust, or those pesky accidental drops or spills. And that's where our fantastic Deck Boxes step in, providing the ultimate solution for secure storage and peace of mind.

We've been itching to bring our very own Deck Boxes to the scene for ages, and now, after a lot of hard work, research, and careful planning, the moment has arrived! We've got a fantastic opportunity on the horizon, and with your support, we can make it happen. Our plan is to use the funding from our Kickstarter to upgrade our current printer and complete the jig for these marvelous machines, enabling us to print these deck boxes in large quantities. We're aiming high, envisioning a future where you have the freedom to choose between custom-designed and artistically crafted deck boxes, just like we offer with our playmats.

Now, here's the best part: print-on-demand customization is our bread and butter. With the expertise we've gained over the years, we're more than confident in our ability to develop an innovative production process that delivers unparalleled quality. We're so close to making this dream a reality, and that's where you come in. We need your help to secure the funding and make it all happen.

In addition to the custom versions of these new Deck Boxes, we also will be using this Kickstarter to help introduce some amazing artist-designed versions as well. That’s why we’re excited to have such an amazing group of gifted artists behind us who have agreed to let us print their popular, iconic work on these deck boxes. If you thought designs from David Lozeau, Michael Whelan, Frank Frazetta, Colordrilos, Clint Cearley, Ben Jackson, Kevin McKenna, Techranova, TigaTiga, and Mathew Sinderson looked cool on our regular products, just wait until you see them on our new deck boxes!

So, gear up, rally your fellow card enthusiasts, and let's embark on this incredible journey together. Together, we'll revolutionize deck protection and take your gaming experience to new heights. And don’t forget to text KICKSTARTER to +1 (855) 653-2517 to sign up for our SMS list. Trust us, when the campaign officially launches on August 1, you’ll be glad that you did!

Stay tuned for more updates and join us on this thrilling adventure!

Team Inked


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