Team Rankstar

Announcing Team Rankstar as our Official Digital Card Gaming Team!

HUGE announcement coming from Inked Gaming today: As of today, we will be adding Team Rankstar as our Official Digital Card Gaming Team!

Team Rankstar has been with us for quite a few months now as our highest performing Sponsored Inked Gaming Affiliate. They have taken our vision of the affiliate program to the next level, and we feel that there should be real, amazing things that can happen when you represent us in that way.
After a few weeks of hashing out all the details, we have come to an agreement and starting immediately, we will be Team Rankstar’s sponsor and they will be Inked Gaming’s Official Digital Card Game Team!

What does this mean?

If you’ve been paying attention, esports has been EXPLODING with popularity. Our love of card games here at Inked doesn’t stop at the tabletop ones – we have many friends and employees that play card games at some pretty high levels and we pride ourselves in having a close pulse on the digital card game industry. When Rankstar approached us with these ideas’ months ago, we knew there was potential for a very prosperous partnership. Since then, Rankstar has jumped head on onto the digital card game scene, seeing success in most of the digital card games out there. They had two representatives at the World Championships of their Elder Scrolls: Legends players, EndoZoa and plzdonhakme, hakme winning the whole thing(20k dollars)! Additionally, players like TypicalTryant and JTizzle having success in the Hearthstone tournament scene and Eternal Card Game players like TheOvermaster, ThePlatypusKing, Aetherllama, NotoriousGHP and others having huge tournament success throughout the Eternal Tournament Series’ calendar year.  Plus, Rankstar is overflowing with amazing content creators and partnered Twitch streamers including, y0ttabyte, Lazergician, Jage Larson, Lateralus, Justinlarson, Eolis, EndoZoa, Jonah Veil the list goes on and on and on – you’ll have to check them out for yourself on Twitch/YouTube.


Inked Gaming was started in a garage by a couple Magic the Gathering players looking to have some sweet customizable gear to show their style and personality at the card table. Customers like you made that possible with your continued support and love for the games we play. Card games are evolving, and we’re evolving with the times. We want to continue to support EVERYONE- whether that be on the digital battlefield or the tabletop one. We hope that this partnership allows many of these awesome card game players and personalities to fulfill their personal as well as professional goals. We sincerely hope that you’ll join us in support of this inspiring group of people.

Check out their Twitter:



The Inked Gaming Team
affiliate Announcement Author: Inked Gaming Author: Team Rankstar card gaming Digital Digital Card Gaming Team Inked Gaming news sponsored Team Team Rankstar The Inked Gaming Team


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