Vince The Prince

4 helpful apps for enhancing your Pokémon gaming experience

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a fresh newcomer, you can always use a little something extra to help boost your game and get the most out of your experience. This is true for almost everything you do in life, especially for Pokémon gaming, which is why there are so many wonderful apps out there that help you to accomplish exactly that. After poking around the Google Play and App stores, I discovered that Pokémon has quite a few helpful apps that gamers at every level use. And according to most of the reviews, these apps can have a positive impact on your game as a whole.

So, I’ve listed just a few helpful apps in this post, all of which are meant to assist you in your Pokémon gaming experience and allow you to stay ahead of the game, so to speak, each time you load in. You’ll find a couple of apps that are specifically meant just for Pokémon Go and a couple more that can be used for literally any game in the series.

This will be just a brief rundown of what each app does and what it features, so if you wish to know more, dig a little deeper for yourself, or just go right ahead and download one of them, feel free to click the links that I left in each section. 

We’ll start with one of the more popular apps currently available for users!

1. Poke Genie

This app has been described as a must-have for all PoGo players and trainers. And considering all of the helpful tools that it features, it’s easy to understand why. Again, Poke Genie is one of the most popular Pokémon companion apps available because it’s free (with in-app purchases), user friendly and extremely helpful during Pokémon Go adventures. It has an IV Checker, PvP IV Calculator, a Custom Name Generator, a Battle Simulator, Pokedex, Scan Organizer and more. All of these features are designed and implemented to make your Pokémon Go experience even more enjoyable. They also help to make you the best player/trainer that you can be. 

Overall, this app is impressive and very useful for all kinds of trainers looking to up their game. 13,000,000 downloads later, it still remains at the top of the list. Does this sound like something you would be interested in? Poke Genie is available for download in both the Google Play Store and the App Store. Enjoy!

2. dataDex

If you’re an Android user, dataDex should definitely be on your list of downloads. This Pokedex app/tool features data and other info that can be used for studying and identifying every Pokémon from every game in the main series. I thought that was pretty cool, too! At first, I thought, “That’s a lot of Pokémon to search through”, which it is, but this app makes searching quite simple. How? Well, through its easy to use filter and sort features. Sort and search by nature, ability, type, locations, moves and more. You can even search for items that are featured in other games as well.

But, dataDex allows you to do more than just search for Pokémon and items. You can even use it for team building, creating, locating and archiving some of your favorite Pokémon. And don’t worry about Wi-Fi, dataDex enables you to do all of your 'pokeresearch' in offline mode as well. dataDex is a free app that is currently only available in the Google Play Store. Hopefully, it will make its way to the App Store sooner than later.


3. Go Field Guide

This is another helpful third party-app that’s specifically designed for passionate Pokémon Go gamers looking to gain a slight edge. In this app, you’ll find everything you need for staying up-to-date and in the know while you GO, GO, GO! Sorry, I just had to do that! So, the Go Field Guide is essentially a tool for you to use while you play or even when you’re on a lunch break. It features everything from an event countdown timer, to an egg hatch list, to notification reminders, event calendars, checklists, buddy distance lists, research encounters and much, much more.

I could go on and on, but you pretty much get the idea. Each feature available in this app is meant to give you the best Pokémon Go experience possible. It’s been described as detailed, thorough, easy to manage and very informative. The developers (RandomWreck Media) are known for being extremely friendly and responsive as well, which is always a plus. So, all in all, it is a very useful tool, especially for those who may be new to the Pokémon Go world. No matter how experienced (or inexperienced) you are, I would strongly suggest that you download this app right away, if you haven’t already. You’ll definitely notice a difference in the way you play.

The Go Field Guide is available for both Android and Apple users!

4. Bulbapedia

By now, most of you have probably seen this in your travels, especially if you like reading/studying the history of various Pokémon. It’s kind of like a Wikipedia that’s made just for Pokémon. Again, I know that this is probably the most generic and well-known Pokémon tool, but for beginners (like me) it’s actually very helpful, and I recently discovered that it’s also available as an app for both iOS and Android users. 

Now, there are some who would think that the actual site is easier to use, but according to several user reviews, that is not the case. The app is quick, organized and easier to manage, which is what most app users look for before downloading. With the vast amount of info that  Bulbapedia’s website features, an app with better accessibility is an absolute must, anything less would be a bust.

Whatever you’re looking for or curious about when it comes to Pokémon can most likely be found in Bulbapedia. Everything that’s in the wiki is available in this app, which means you can search, navigate and locate easier than ever before. You even have the option to save specific articles and view them offline wherever and whenever you want. Pretty good.

Well, it looks like we’ve reached the end of the list. That wasn’t so bad, right? Again, there are quite a few out there and it would take a lot of writing and reading to get to them all, which is why I just wanted to pick a few for this particular post. Maybe next time I’ll create another post with four or five more apps. We’ll see how this one goes first.

As usual, feel free to sound off on the apps listed above and if you’ve used any of them be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Also, if you have ANY suggestions for some other apps that you think should be included in this list, please put them in the comments as well, I’ll see about creating another post with more listings. 

Thanks a bunch for sticking with me and I hope that you will join me for another fun post!

Until we meet again,

Vince the Prince

apps Author: Vince The Prince best experience game helpful How-To listicle mobile Pokemon Pokémon gaming Popular Tabletop tcg


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