Keep your cards safe and secure in a durable, rigid box with a soft-touch finish. The secure closure will keep them safe while you're not using them, but the easy tilt open feature allows for fast access to your cards when your ready. Plus, the symmetrical shape of the box will let you use the cover as a second card holder while you're playing! Designed for 80 double-sleeved cards or 100 single-sleeves cards.

  • Fits 80 double-sleeved cards (or 100 single-sleeves cards)
  • Durable and rigid box
  • Soft-touch finish
  • Designed to fit inside other Ultimate Guard Products: SuperHive 550+, ArkHive 400+, Flip 'n' Tray 80+ & 100+
  • Secure closure
  • Easy opening
Shipping Details

Please allow 5-12 business days for our production wizards to create your product before shipping.

Ultimate Guard Boulder Deck Box (Holds 80 Cards)

Ultimate Guard

$7.99 $8.99


Keep your cards safe and secure in a durable, rigid box with a soft-touch finish. The secure closure will keep them safe while you're not using them, but the easy tilt open feature allows for fast access to your cards when your ready. Plus, the symmetrical shape of the box will let you use the cover as a second card holder while you're playing! Designed for 80 double-sleeved cards or 100 single-sleeves cards.

  • Fits 80 double-sleeved cards (or 100 single-sleeves cards)
  • Durable and rigid box
  • Soft-touch finish
  • Designed to fit inside other Ultimate Guard Products: SuperHive 550+, ArkHive 400+, Flip 'n' Tray 80+ & 100+
  • Secure closure
  • Easy opening
Shipping Details

Please allow 5-12 business days for our production wizards to create your product before shipping.