Sarah Berge

This Week’s Inkcredible Flash Sale

Tuesday is starting to become our favorite day of the week, and if you’ve been taking advantage of the smoking deals that have been offered over the past few months through our Inkcredible Flash Sale! We must admit, slashing prices off of our premium goods is just as fun for us as it is for you, which is why we like to do it at least once a week. Speaking of which, this week, we’ve got another nice discount that should satisfy anyone looking to protect their cards like a legend.

Yep, we’re talking about our oldie, but goodie, Legend Status Sleeves. Long-time shoppers who have been frequent visitors of our site should remember seeing these at least once or twice in our supplies collection. Here’s a little refresher of what they look like:

Legend Status Sleeves

Look familiar? We thought so. It’s cool to re-introduce some of our earlier pieces that may have gotten lost in the shuffle, so to speak. But it’s even cooler to re-introduce them when they are available for a reduced price. For the rest of the day (until 4pm PST) we’re offering 5 packs of these Legend Status sleeves for just $5.00. There are 50 sleeves in a pack, each of which were designed to be every bit as reliable and durable as some of the other sleeve types you might find in our stockpile.

This means you’re getting a lot of good quality sleeves for one great price, so we would like to see all of our fellow gamers take advantage of it while it’s available. Again, you only have until 4 pm PST today to grab yours, which is why we recommend that you get your order in ASAP.

See you next week!


Team Inked


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