Thomas Pool

We're back!

 As the Magic community prepares for a Return to Ravnica, we at Inked Playmats prepare for a return to this little thing called "blogging." What better time to get back to connecting with our community than with the start of a new block? By the way, unless you have been living a life free of media and haven't had access to your friendly local game store, you are likely well aware of the pre-release events occurring all over for the release of Return to Ravnica. So get out there and enjoy the pre-release, then feel free to stop by the online shop to take a look at all our designs, including four impressive mats by rk post himself.

Seriously, did you know rk post is providing artwork for us? How awesome is that?

Enjoy your Return to Ravnica, and feel free to share any exciting event stories here on our blog.
Announcement collectible card games custom playmats Inked Playmats Magic community


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